Get Gnome back in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

You often either love or hate the Unity desktop environment.

Fortunately, it is possible to bring back the “good old” Gnome look and feel in Ubuntu.

Simply open a terminal and install the Gnome Session Flashback, by typing:
“sudo apt-get install gnome-session-flashback”.

After the installation has ended, log out and choose “Gnome (Compiz)” for a Window manager.

Remove Launcher Icons from Ubuntu within Gnome-Fallback-Session

You might accidentally have dropped a Launcher icon (the icons next to the Application and Places drop down menu) in Ubuntu with Gnome-Fallback-Session installed.

Removing it can’t be done by right clicking, and the choosing remove.

But: I can be done, if you press <Super+Alt> whilst right clicking. The option to “Remove From Panel” then appears.